
The leading European Company for producing
Stream of Consciousness Musicals & Art Movies

The Great Archetype – Das grosse Urbild

Written and directed by Michel Montecrossa
Soundscape and music: Michel Montecrossa, Elvis Presley, J. S. Bach
Starring: Michel Montecrossa, Dorothea Hach, Christl Berg, Stream

Produced by Filmaur Multimedia, Germany
(Color, German language with English subtitles, 38 Min.)

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‘The Great Archetype’, released by Filmaur Multimedia, is the first landmark stream of consciousness movie by cyberartist Michel Montecrossa which he produced in 1969.
‘The Great Archetype’ is the electrifying and poetic story of a man and the web of conflicting and fulfilling woman powers.
‘The Great Archetype’ is the quest for identity, experience and clarity.
‘The Great Archetype’: stepping behind the eyes of the woman, goin’ beyond the body of the girl, touchin’ the mystery …

The Chapters ‘Das Grosse Urbild / The Great Archetype’, ‘Das Fest / The Feast’, ‘Das Mädchen / The Girl’, ‘Die Frage / The Question’, ‘Die Frau / The Woman’, ‘Die Prinzessin / The Princess’, ‘Die Verletzbarkeit / The Vulnerability’, ‘Die Schöne Geliebte / The Beautiful Beloved’, ‘Der Körper Der Geliebten / The Body Of The Beloved’, ‘Das Gedicht Der Geliebten / The Poem Of The Beloved’, ‘Das Gesicht / The Face’, ‘Der Berg / The Mountain’, ‘Die Blume / The Flower’, ‘Schätze Des Traumes / Treasures Of The Dream’, ‘Das Schwarze Tier / The Black Animal’, ‘Die Verbrecherin / The Criminal’, ‘Der Sprung / The Leap’, ‘Der Schritt / The Step’, ‘Welt Und Welt / World And World’